Intel Matching Request
The following is for Intel Employees and Retirees only.
The following provides the step-by-step guidance for filing a matching request. Please note:
Directly report the number of hours spent
For expenses, you would need a receipt from Transition Projects. Please contact Kala Kumar or Emily Coleman.
For more details on the Intel Retiree forms, please contact Narasimha Kumar
Please consider requesting Intel to Match your donation and volunteer hours for Transition Project
Intel has a wonderful program called the Intel Donation program. “Intel’s Donation Matching Program supports the personal impact of U.S. employee and retiree donations by matching their contributions made to eligible charitable organizations and schools, dollar-for-dollar. Participants are able to generate an Intel Foundation match of up to $10,000 a year for charitable organizations and eligible educational institutions, funding permitting.”
Both existing Intel employees and US retirees are eligible to request a match. Intel employees can use the Intel Portal. Intel Retirees will need to use the external login page Approved match requests are paid out by Intel the recipient organizations on a monthly basis. You can also track the matching status.
Keep receipts on the amount of money you donated. Please request Transition Project personnel to send you a receipt that matches Intel Guideline (that requires, name, amount, date, and a statement that no goods or services are received as exchange for the donation).
For Intel Employees requesting a match.
From Intel Circuit > Pay and Benefits > Employee Perks > Intel in the Community
Select Intel Matching Gifts Program
Click on Get Matched Button (you will get to Intel’s Donation Matching Program – Receipt Requirements page”
Click on Get Matched Button ( you will get to “My Dashboard” page).
On the right side of the page, find and click on the “Request a Match Now” button (like this)
In the “Find an Eligible Cause” section, in the box “Enter cause name or keyboards”,
Type in “Transition Projects” and click on Search. You will see TRANSITION PROJECTS INC, Portland Oregon, United States (see below) pop-up..
Click on +Add – to add Transition Project as the Charity organization.
Next for Donation Type, select the radio button against Money
Next for Donation Details, enter the amount you donated in the Donation Amount in USD box,
The next box “Your Estimated Match in USD” – will be automatically filled in.
Enter the donation date to match the donation date in the receipt you received from Transition Projects.
Under Add Comments – If you received a receipt under your non-Intel spouse’s name. Please enter a note in this box, saying that the receipt is under my spouse’s name.
Under Comments for Charity - Optionally add comments you want to pass on to Transition Project personnel.
Next click on “Confirm Match Request” to submit the request.
You are DONE!
Do not forget to request match your volunteering hours for this request.